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Fishing Techniques

Techniques of Trout Fishing and Fly Tying.

by  HARVEY, George W.
ID No.: 2275.

Metz Hatchery Belleville, 1985 Revised and expanded edn. 8vo, Illust. 114pp. Soft cover. The author, an angling journalist and Associate Professor from Pennsylvania State University where he taught Angling, casting and fly tying, discusses the techniques of fly fishing and fly tying.  Cover photo by Lefty Kreh. Water damage to a section of cover. –Very Good.   

Bait Fishing For Trout in Streams,

by  JAMES, Bill.
ID No.: 3445

South Gippsland Publishing Company. Foster Vic. 8vo Illust 64p. Card cover. Foreword by Rex Hunt. An introduction into baitfishing for the young and older anglers. Covers the requirements, the skills, the fish and the locations mainly  in Victoria. – Fine    

Small Water Trout Fishing

by  JARDINE, Charles
ID No.: 3928.

B T Batsford Ltd. London. 8vo, Illust, 144pp, D/J. The ‘small stillwater” is more than just a spinoff from the big waters. It is a world of endless variety, tactical variance and often extreme excitement.  In this book world beating flyfisherman and angling instructor Charles Jardine reveals how to get more success from your fishing.  Part one covers equment and techniques. In part two he discusses the imitation of the fly world including a discussion of the fly and includes fly tying and recommended patterns for each month of the year. Part three discusses the tactics  that lead to the success, He concludes with his vision of the future. -Very Fine  

Lore of Trout Fishing.

by  LEE, Art
ID No.: 3391.

Human Kinetics Illocrcnois. 1999. 1st Edn. 4to. Illust. 234pp.  D/J.   A special collection of lessons from the pages of Fly Fisherman  magazine.  Foreword by John Randolph. This book presents many of the finest writings by one of fly fishings most respected and recognised anglers- This collection features more than 30 years of classic essays on all aspects of fishing for trout. Supported by over 200 photographs. Ex Lib with the usual markings -Fine                                                                                                               

Ripples, Runs and Rises,

by  SCHOLES, David.
ID No.: 3665.

Kangaroo Press Sydney, 1988, oblomg 4to, Illust., 96pp, E/P, D/J, The charm and mystique of fly fishing. ” Readers will find a different a more mature approach, as if David Scholes  has reached the ultimate, although several times he that the learning of fly fishing in endless”.with Based on the style of Theodore Gordon, Scholes provides glimpses of fishing with old friends, an angling primer, some natural history and a look to the future   Previous owners signature. - Fine         

Trout Quest,

by  SCHOLES, David.
ID No.: 3618.

Lansdowne Press Melbourne, 1969 1st edn.  8vo, Illust, 215pp, D/J.   An outstanding collection of stories by this highly regarded angler, artist and author. Includes a discussion on the tools of the trade, general tactics and thoughts and reflections on the art of fly fishing mainly on rivers in Tasmania.  Displays the authors gift as a storyteller and is regarded as his best publication and is in the vogue of Skues, Haig Brown, Halford, Hills and Theodore Gordon. Illustrated with many drawings by the author.    D/J is worn, has a small section missing and rear cover has some water damage.  -Good    

The Lure of the Trout,

by  WEDLICK, Lance. (Ed).
ID No.: 4411.

 Wedneil Publications Newport   n.d., 8vo. Illust. 104pp, soft cover.  A collection of thirty nine articles by well known angling authors on the attractions of trout and trout fishing.  Covers many aspects such as  bait, lure, spinning and fly fishing, rigs, gear, flies fishing techniques and some areas to fish. Some tape marks and previous owners name on fep. - Very Good    

  Australian Boating  Fishing & Hunting Guide No 12, 

by  WINSER, Keith (ed.).
ID No.: 2534

Motor Manual Publications Melbourne, 1962, 8vo, Illust, 114pp, soft cover, A comprehensive guide to the fish, distribution, common and scientific names, regulations, baits and knots. Articles on fishing and hunting and a state by state roundup of current activities. Feature articles by Reg Lyne,  Keith Winser and others. Reuses the cover of issue no. 11. - Very Good.       

More About Trout,   

by   SLOANE, Robert.    
ID No.: 1988. 

Tas Trout Publications Rosny Park Tasmania, 1989, 1st edn. 8vo, Illust,148pp.  D/J. An appreciation of fly fishing for wild trout where the author reviews his early fishing experiences and discusses the times and actions that have moulded his current beliefs. There is much more about wind-lane fishing, fly development and practical advice on tactics and techniques applied to all facets of fly fishing. Previous owners name on fep. – Very file.                                             

Fly Fishing in Australia and New Zealand,

by  McCAUSLAND, M.E.      
ID No.: 1088.   

Lothian Publishing Melbourne., 1967 3rd edn.  8vo, Illust, 161pp. Blue cloth cover.  Contains a mass of helpful detail on casting, selection of equipment, fly tying, tactics, fishing locations in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania and  New Zealand, provides  practical assistance together with some enjoyable stories.  Chapters  include Calm Water Fishing, Fishing Happenings, Fly Casting by Roy Kirk, and Fly Fishing in New Zealand by J.M.S Galbraith. Also includes four colour plates of flies by J M Gillies, five pages of maps, and twenty eight pages of photographs of fish and fishing spots in Australia and New Zealand. Cover sl stained. – Fine.  

Techniques of Trout Fishing and Fly Tying.

by  HARVEY, George W.
ID No.: 2275.

Metz Hatchery Belleville, 1985 Revised and expanded edn. 8vo, Illust. 114pp. Soft cover. The author, an angling journalist and Associate Professor from Pennsylvania State University where he taught Angling, casting and fly tying, discusses the techniques of fly fishing and fly tying.  Cover photo by Lefty Kreh. Water damage to a section of cover. –Very Good.   

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